Letter to students admitted into the EMLE program
Dear admitted students,
On Friday, 18 March 2022, we have sent out the admission decisions to those who have submitted a full admission to the 2022/2023 academic year before the deadline. Please also check your spam folder in case you cannot find our email.
We see that many of you have questions regarding our email. Before we get to answer each of you individually, please see here an email that tries to answer the questions that we saw the most and that seems the most urgent to you.
Admission decisions/scholarships:
In general, three decisions were taken and each category received slightly different information:
1) you were not considered for admission: based on the admission criteria of the programme and after thorough review by our independent reviewers, your application was not selected from the 330 applications we received.
2) you were admitted on a regular basis and your ranking might not be high enough to be nominated for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Scholarship from the European Commission, in case the EMLE programme will be selected for funding again;
3) you were selected and rank high enough (first 3 EU and first 10 non-EU applicants) to be considered for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Scholarship from the European Commission, in case we will be selected for funding. If you do rank high enough, your letter will mention that, though, we do not inform about the rankings in general (not in the general or in the other letters).
Allocation and payment of the first non-refundable instalment of 500 Euro:
At the moment we are collecting all your answers (A – E) until the deadline of 1 April 2022. The week after (3-7 April), we are going to distribute those students who replied with answer A across the different EMLE partner universities, according to 1) their preferences and 2) the mobility rules of the program and 3) the available spots/partner university.
Once we are done with this puzzle, we are going to send those students who answered with “option A” a formal admission letter with their offered allocations and with the first invoice (to be paid 2 weeks after receipt).
English proficiency test:
If you are very keen on participating in our program, make sure to quickly sign up for an English proficiency test (also online-options of TOEFL and IELTS available!). The deadline to provide test scores with our minimum requirements is in mid-May! Applicants who do not provide their English test results in time, will be taken off the student list until they meet the admission requirements. In the meanwhile, however, other students might have taken their spot on the programme for the academic year 2022/2023. Also late applicants will be offered the opportunity at this point to fill seats on the programme that became available until a maximum is reached. If you do not have all required documents, including the English proficiency test in time, you might lose first your allocations or your spot all together to another interested student.
Again, we will work within our team this week to answer all your individual emails as well.
Warm regards,
The EMLE Management Team in Rotterdam