Local Coordinator:
Prof. Pierre Garello
Tel: + 33 (0) 4 42 96 81 52
Email: pierre.garello@univ-amu.fr

Pascale Marrazzo
Tel: + 33 (0) 4 13 94  27 10
Email: pascale.marrazzo@univ-amu.fr

Prof. David Bosco
Prof. Antoine Gentier
Prof. Dominique Augey
Prof. Pierre Garello
Ass. Prof. Hervé Magnouloux
Prof. Frédéric Marty (visiting)
Prof. Paul Belleflamme
Ass. Prof. Nathalie Rubio
Ass. Prof. Pierre Bentata
Prof. Sacha Raoult

Find more information about the teaching staff.

Postal Address:
Aix-Marseille Université
15-19 allée Claude Forbin
13627 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1
Thesis Areas:
Money and Banking
Public Choice
Intellectual Property Rights
Tax Law and Tax Competition
Competition and Two-sided Platforms
The Economics of Sharing Economy
Digital Piracy
Crime and Punishment: Effects of Various Sanctions and Criminal Procedures
Environmental Law
Methodology of Law and Economics
Economics of Regulation
Restrictive Practices and Contract Laws

Degree Awarded:
Master Droit Economie Gestion,
mention Economie du Droit,
spécialité Business Law and Economics
(Master of Business, Law and Economics)

Local Coordinator: Prof. Saura Masconale
Email: masconale@arizona.edu
Website: https://law.arizona.edu/person/saura-masconale
Tel.: +01- 520-626-7672

Academic Coordinator: Prof. Simone M. Sepe
Email: sms234@arizona.edu
Website: https://law.arizona.edu/person/simone-m-sepe
Tel.: +01-520-626-3533

Kerry Montaño
Email: kdmontan@email.arizona.edu


Prof. Saura Masconale
Prof. Alan Miller
Prof. Barak Orbach
Prof. Roberto Giacobazzi
Prof. William Bratton
Prof. David Clark

Find more information about the teaching staff.

Postal Address:
University of Arizona
1201 E Speedway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85721 
United States of America
Thesis Areas:
Advanced Corporate Governance·  Law and Finance
Law and Society of the Corporation
Law, Economics, and Ethics of Market Activism
Contract Theory
Commercial Law
Law and Logics
Incentive Theory and Discrimination
Law, Economics, and Ethics of Coding
Law, Economics, and Ethics of AI
Public Regulation and Self-Regulation of Emerging Technologies

Degree Awarded:
National master’s degree: Master of Legal Studies (MLS)

Local Coordinator:
Dr. Carlos Gómez Ligüerre
Email: carlos.gomez@upf.edu

Ms. Anna Kirilenko
Tel: +34 93 542 14 34
Email: erasmusmunduslaw@upf.edu

Dr. Carlos Gómez Ligüerre
Dr. Benito Arruñada
Dr. Fernando Gómez Pomar
Dr. Antoni Rubí-Puig
Dr. Mireia Artigot-Golobardes
Dr. Lela Mélon

Find more information about the teaching staff.

Postal Address:
Carlos Gómez Ligüerre
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27
08005 Barcelona (Spain)
Thesis Areas:
Competition Law
Contract law
Tort Law
Intellectual Property
Environmental Law
Corporate Law and Governance
Property LawInstitutional Economy

Degree Awarded:
LL.M. ‘European Master in Law and Economics’

Local Coordinator:
Prof. Ben Depoorter
Tel: +32-9-264.68.07
Email: ben.depoorter@ugent.be

Mrs. N. Van Nuffel
Tel: +32-9-264.68.07
Email: Nancy.VanNuffel@UGent.be

Prof. Ben Depoorter
Prof. Boudewijn Bouckaert
Prof. Christoph Van Der Elst
Prof. Dr. Mitja Kovac
Prof. Andrea Giannaccari
Bruno Merlevede

Find more information about the teaching staff.

Postal Address:
Ghent University
Department of Jurisprudence and History of Law
Universiteitstraat 4
B-9000 Ghent

Degree Awarded:
LL.M. ‘European Master in Law and Economics’

Local Coordinator:
Prof. Omer Kimhi
Tel: +972-4-8242005
Email: okimhi@law.haifa.ac.il

Ms. Yulia Lischinsky
Tel: +972-4-8288486
Email: ylischin1@univ.haifa.ac.il

Prof. Omer Kimhi
Prof. Oren Gazal-Ayal
Prof. Eli M. Salzberger
Dr. Hila Nevo
Prof. Alessandro Pomelli

Find more information about the teaching staff.

Postal Address:
199 Aba Hushi Ave.
University of Haifa
Mount Carmel
Haifa 3498838

Degree Awarded:
(LL.M) מוסמך במשפטים (Master of Laws (LL.M.)

Local Coordinator:
Prof. Stefan Voigt
Tel: +49-40-42838-5782
Contact: Nadja.georgiou@uni-hamburg.de

Nadja Georgiou
+49 40 42838-5776

Prof. Georg Ringe
Prof. Thomas Eger
Prof. Anne van Aaken
Prof. Stefan Voigt
Prof. Roee Sarel
Dr. Stephan Wittig
Jun.-Prof. Eva van der Zee
Jun.-Prof. Jerg Gutmann
Betül Simsek

Find more information about the teaching staff.

Postal Address:
Universität Hamburg
Institut für Recht und Ökonomik
Alsterterrasse 1
20354 Hamburg
Thesis Areas:
Contract Law
Tort Law
Corporate Law and Governance
Financial Regulation
European and International Law
Public Law
Constitutional Law
Public Choice
New Institutional Economics
Commercial Law
Law and Transition

Degree Awarded:
LL.M. ‘European Master in Law and Economics’

Local Coordinator:
Dr. Gopakumar Achuthankutty
Tel: +91-22-69096552
Email: gopakumar@igidr.ac.in

Ms. Pratiksha Worlikar
Tel: +91-22-269096572/6
Email: soffice@igidr.ac.in

Gopakumar Achuthankutty, Assistant Professor
Vikas Kumar, Associate Professor
Jayati Sarkar, Associate Professor

Find more information about the teaching staff.

Postal Address:
Student Office
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
Film City Road
Santoshnagar Goregaon (East)
Mumbai 400 065
Thesis Areas:
Law and Economics of Institutions
Law and Economics of Development

Degree Awarded:
Master of Science in Law and Economics

Local Coordinator:
Prof. Matteo Rizzolli
Email: m.rizzolli@lumsa.it

Prof. Matteo Rizzolli
Email: m.rizzolli@lumsa.it

Prof. Matteo Rizzolli
Prof. Nicoletta Rangone
Prof. Antonio Nicita
Prof. Giovanni Ferri
Prof. Antonello Maruotti

Find more information about the teaching staff.

Postal Address:
LUMSA University
Department of Law, Economics and Politics and Modern Languages
Via Pompeo Magno 28
00192 Roma (Italy)

Thesis Areas and Topics:
Administrative law
Behavioural law & economics
Better regulation
Cognitive-based rule-making and regulation
Competition law
Corruption prevention
Environmental law & economics
Experimental law & economics
Family law and economics
Field experiments for public policy
Law and economics of crime and deterrence
Property law
Regulation of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain
Regulation of financial markets
Regulation of media and telecommunication markets

Degree Awarded:
European Master in Law and Economics

Internships Available:

  • CONSOB, Italian Authority for financial markets regulation and supervision.
  • AGCOM, Italian Communications Guarantee Authority.
  • AGCM, Italian Competition Authority.
  • GSE, Italian public owed company responsible for the promotion of renewable resources.
  • Presidency of the Council of Ministries – Department for Legal and Legislative Affairs (DAGL), in charge of the supervision of governmental Impact Assessments, among other things.
  • CEPS – Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels), leading think tank and forum for debate on EU affairs.
  • LEAR, a specialized economic consultancy that strives to offer a wide range of services in the field of competition policy and regulation.
  • CIMEA – Centro Informazioni Mobilità Equivalenze Accademiche, it provides information and advice on procedures for the recognition of qualifications and on issues related to Italian and international higher education and training.
  • I-COM – Istituto per la Competitività, promotion of debates and analyses on competitiveness concerning innovation, in the Italian, European and international politico-economic contexts. The main areas of interest are digitalization, energy, innovation, health and institutions.

Local Coordinator:
Prof. Franziska Weber
Email: weber@law.eur.nl

Laial Allaham
Tel: +31 10 408 2188
Email: emle.rotterdam@law.eur.nl

Prof. Louis Visscher, LL.M.
Prof. Ann-Sophie Vandenberghe
Prof. Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko
Prof. Franziska Weber
Mr. drs. Aad van Heusden
Sharon Oded, LL.M.
Dr. Alexandre Biard
Prof. Niels Philipsen
Prof. Roger van den Bergh
Prof. Dr. Pieter Desmet
Prof. Dr. Patrick Leyens

Find more information about the teaching staff.

Postal Address:
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus School of Law
Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics (RILE)
Dr. Ilva Putzier, L7-033
P.O. Box 1738
NL 3000 DR Rotterdam

Degree Awarded:
LL.M. ‘European Master in Law and Economics’

Local Coordinator:
Dr. Jaroslaw Beldowski
Email: jbeldo@sgh.waw.pl

Ms. Michalina Wacław (Programme Management Officer)
Email: waclawmichalina@gmail.com
Tel:    +48 22 564 9345

Dr. hab. Leszek Balcerowicz
Dr. hab. Agnieszka Slomka-Golebiowska
Dr. Wiktor Wojciechowski
Dr. Jaroslaw Beldowski

Find more information about the teaching staff.

Postal Address:
Warsaw School of Economics
Department of International Comparative Studies
Al. Niepodleglosci 162
office 228, building G
02-554 Warsaw
Thesis Areas:
Transformation of Law
Contract Law
Labour Law
Environmental Law
European and International Law
Constitutional Law
Public Choice
New Institutional Economics
Banking and Monetary Law
Commercial Law
Corporate Governance
Securities Regulation
Law and Transition
Economics of Regulation
Law and Finance
Bankruptcy Law
Intellectual Property Law

Degree Awarded:
Magister na kierunku Ekonomiczna Analiza Prawa