The European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE) programme provides a level of academic excellence recognized by the Erasmus Mundus as well as additional academic experts. The programme has recruited distinguished scholars from across Europe and the rest of the world to share their knowledge and instruct the next generation of lawyers, economists, and policy makers.
Accredited by numerous institutions in Europe, the programme also provides a supreme level of internationality in its professors, universities and its students.
Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus
For the years 2015-2018, the European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE) has been included in the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) Catalogue, a predicate of excellence of the Erasmus+ funding scheme of the European Commission. The EMLE participated in a selection reserved to master programmes that had already successfully applied for recognition under the preceding Erasmus Mundus programme. Out of these 43 high-quality applicants, only 19 were selected.
The European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE) has been recognized as an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course, both under the first edition of Erasmus Mundus (2004-2008) as under Erasmus Mundus II (2009-2015). The Programme was very positively evaluated by a panel of independent academic experts and in the first round in 2004 it was chosen by the Selection Committee out of 128 proposals.
In this first round only 19 Masters Programmes received the Erasmus Mundus label. The Master in Law and Economics is the only Masters Course in Economics and one of two Erasmus Mundus Courses in the legal discipline. In 2002 the EMLE Programme was already selected to take part in the Joint Masters Project of the European University Association.
The EMLE programme has been recognized by several accreditation authorities as an outstanding educational concept. In addition to the Erasmus Mundus accreditation, the Dutch Flemish Accreditation Agency NVAO in 2004 accredited the EMLE programme at the Universities of Rotterdam and Ghent, while the EMLE programme at the University of Hamburg was accredited in 2005 by ZEvA, the Central Accreditation Agency of the Federal State of Lower Saxony. As of May 2019, the EMLE Programme has been accredited according to the European Approach Standards for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes in the European Higher Education Area via the Dutch-Flemish accreditation organization NVAO, which is recognized by all European partner countries. This accreditation is valid for 6 years, until 2025.